Type est exactement
Texte imprimé
An account, geographical, historical and statistical, of the Chinese empire : from the earliest antiquity to the treaty of Nanking
Volume 2 -
Primitiae orientales, containing the Theses in the oriental languages pronounced at the public disputations on the [20th September 1804 by the students of the College of Fort William in Bengal]
Note de contenu : Contient en première partie les thèses de l'année 1803. La p. de titre manque pour la première partie Liste des étudiants du Collège depuis 1801 en addenda. -
منتخب بوستان
Annoté en anglais. -
Catalogue of the books in the Library of the College of Fort William
The Anvari Soheily of Hussein Vaez Kashefy : pub. by Charles Stewart and Hussein Aly
Polyglott Munshi, or vocabulary, exercises, pleasant stories, etc. etc. in English, Persian, Hindi, hindustani and bengali, for the use of students both native and European
Introduction to the Bengalee language : adapted to students who know English
A guide to Bengal : being a close translation of Ishwar Chandra Sharma's Bengallee version of that portion of Marshman's History of Bengal which comprizes the rise and progress of the British dominion
Anglais, de l'oeuvre originale, bengali. -
Essays by the students of the College of Fort William in Bengal, to which are added the these pronounced at the public disputation in the oriental languages on the 6th february, 1802
Annadāmaṅgala, Dvitīẏa khanḍa ; Kr̥shñanagarera rājabāṭīra mūlapustaka dr̥shṭe pariśodhita(samskr̥ta yantre mudrita)
Vol. 2 -
Annadāmaṅgala, Prathama khanḍa ; Kr̥shñanagarera rājabāṭīra mūlapustaka dr̥shṭe pariśodhita(samskr̥ta yantre mudrita)
Vol. 1 -
Sihr-ool-buyan : or, Musnuwee of Meer Husun, being a history of the prince Be Nuzeer in Hindoostanee verse
قصۀ خسروان عجم : شاهنامه
Titre uniforme: Shahnameh. Ourdou ; de l'oeuvre originale, persan -
Tarjumah-yi kitāb-i Gulistān : zabān-i Urdū meṉ ḥāmiluttaman bohat …
Ourdou ; de l'oeuvre originale, persan -
The Prem Sagur, or, the history of Krishnu, according to the 10th chapter of the Bhaguvut of Vyasudevu
traduit du braj basha à l'hindi par Lulloo Lal -
The College of Fort William in Bengal
Résumé : "This volume contains the official papers, and the literary proceedings of the College of Fort William in Bengal, during its first four years.". -
An account, geographical, historical and statistical, of the Chinese empire : from the earliest antiquity to the treaty of Nanking
Volume 1 -
Illustrations accompagnées de légendes brèves sur les affrontements navals durant la guerre sino-japonaise (1894-1895)